Thursday, September 3, 2015

And you are favourite Aunty, Aunty Pakistan!

Across the borders of Kashmir (which the countries share), there exists two countries, mind you, they were one long time ago, they are one still, comparing the mindsets of those who reside.

Aunty Pakistan, I agree with each word you say, err.. tweet. You have become a star today because every single word that you utter seems to be right. While your words reflect the depth of the problems that women of your country are facing, they are strikingly similar to their counterparts in my country.

For those who are not aware of who is Aunty Pakistan, here have a look at her Twitter handle. Just love your bio, “Peechay peechay aanda meri chaal wainda jayen... Main Aurat hon, Ornament nahi.” Could relate to you, Punjabis, you know, whether across borders doesn’t matter, Punjabis can always relate to each other – maybe muhfat but nothing but the truth.

So soon after the release of movie Phantom was banned in Pakistan (see, it’s not only in India where ban is popular – a similarity yet again), the reverent (pun intended) Pakistani Actor Faisal Qureshi’s outburst came in where he used the female identity as an insult. Here have a look at it:

“We are an insult, now let us redefine it,” thought Aunty Pakistan who soon became a sensation on Twitter with an awesome fan following, a sensation whom even Kaveree Bamzai wants to meet for chai/ shai. And why not, as Aunty India rightly says, “only aunties can bring peace” across the nations.

I had been recently admiring the slapstick humour of Mrs Funnybones but no sooner that I came across you, I was awe-struck. My sister says I am favourite of all the aunties and vice versa but to you I could only say two words – “Hats off”. Even AuntyAcid (another one of my favourite aunties, don’t know about her though), would be pleased to meet you, over a chai- shai of course, or my favourite cuppa of coffee! ;)  

Now that Buzzfeed and Scoopwhoop already have their listicles talking about you in order to get maximum likes, shares, favourites and retweets (all of which you deserve undoubtedly), here have a look at a few of your tweets that are my favourite.

By the way, loved the way you call my Aunty India, “My Didi”, with #SahelisForever like cherry on the cake.
Perfectly crafted that women are not objects.

   On gender equality, one of the principles I firmly believe in.
Here to clean the house (love the puns)!
In the name of HONOUR.
While she speaks, people are getting educated.
Finally, practice rather than preaching!

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