Friday, July 31, 2015

An imposing personality - Why it matters?

While one should always study the method of a great artist, one should never imitate his manner. The manner of an artist is essentially individual, the method of an artist is absolutely universal. The first personality, which no one should copy.
-          Oscar Wilde

There is a spark in each one of us. All it takes is the willingness and strength to ignite it. Each one of us is a unique individual in our own way. We meet so many people each day but there are a few who leave a deep impact, whom we remember amidst our jam-packed daily work routine. Why? Because of the simple reason; some people possess a great persona – a charisma beyond charm that baffles even the beautiful.
Being born beautiful is one thing, developing a scintillating personality is another. While we read a lot of tips on how to enhance your beauty, there are a few must haves that can help anyone to develop a striking personality. Let’s have a look at them.
-       The first and foremost one  – being you
It may sound a little philosophical but it is like the foundation. Never doubt your own self. Being a firm believer in yourself will help you go a long way in your life and become responsible enough for your life. Of course, there are errors that we all commit but the trick is to commit a new one every time.

-       Your body language says more than your words do
There is a non-verbal communication which is communicated through your gestures, face expressions, body postures and eye movements. Always carry yourself confidently with a correct straight body posture; while talking to someone, make proper eye contact; have a firm handshake. All these indicate confidence. During a conversation, your body language will show it to the other person when you are disinterested. Therefore, a great personality will always develop when your body language matches with your words that you speak.

-       Listen more and strike a meaning conversation
We all are very good at speaking. The problem is that we do not listen that much. Often, people who lay a deep impact on you are the ones who listen to you and listen attentively. They remember you and your words – be it your problem, your experience or a discussion you have had. And a meaningful conversation is always when there is a balance of speaking and listening.

-       Understand and empathise
Remember the last conversation you had with a friend where expressing your problem gave you the solution because she could put herself into your shoes. Yes, this is a must have whenever having a conversation, leaving a great impact of your empathising with him. Be courteous. People always remember courtesy.

-       Understand the difference between being confident and over-confident
There is a thin line that differentiates both of them which can make and break your career as well as your relationship. A little on the other side can ruin you. Always maintain that balance, be confident and rule the world; be overconfident and... 

-       Being introvert does not mean you do not have an impressive personality
While extroverts tend to gain their energy in social situations, introverts typically recharge through solitude. From Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein to Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and J.K. Rowling, all of them were introverts yet they are a league of impressive personalities till date. The reinstating fact here is again being your own self.  

-       Add a dash of sense of humour
Life is not that serious and even if it is, a good sense of humour is the best cure for it. Every time you find humour in a difficult situation, you will win. And yes, this is very important ingredient in the making of a remarkable personality.


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